Traditional Chinese Medicine
Theories and methods of Chinese Medicine have been used for thousands of years to successfully treat many health conditions. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) works by balancing energy of the body (“qi”, pronounced chee). This promotes health and healing. Qi, translated as “life force”, travels throughout a network of channels within the body called meridians. Meridians can be thought of as rivers of energy that irrigate and nourish cells, tissues, organs, and muscles. When qi is flowing freely and evenly through meridians one is in a state of balance and good health. However, if the free-flow of qi is obstructed or if energy is depleted, then pain and illness may arise. Factors that can contribute to disrupting this delicate balance include injury and trauma, poor nutrition, emotional or physical stress, lack of exercise, overwork, environment, exposure to toxins, and individual constitution.
Practitioners of Chinese Medicine are trained to diagnose and treat qi imbalance. TCM is holistic in nature, so all aspects of a person are considered diagnostically relevant. Even the smallest detail points toward the entirety of an individual. During an initial appointment, practitioners gather information by asking, hearing, seeing, and feeling. A comprehensive intake is conducted covering all health aspects. Pulses are taken and variables including rate, depth, strength, and quality are noted. Acupoints (points along meridians stimulated with acupuncture or acupressure) may be palpated to identify tender or reactive areas. Color, shape and coating of the tongue are noted. A practitioner is constantly picking up clues, all of which speak about an individual as a whole and lead to proper diagnosis and treatment.
Multiple treatment techniques are used in Chinese medicine to restore a state of balance and wellness. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, heat therapy, diet and nutrition, Qigong, massage, and lifestyle suggestions are all modalities a practitioner is trained to use to treat and prevent illness, disease and pain. Appropriate treatment is considered on an individual basis for each patient. Different treatments may be used to treat the same condition in different people. The same treatment may be used to treat different conditions in different people.